look who turned 6 months old last week!!!!

i seriously have NO clue where the time went. i mean i know time flies when you have kids but i literally feel like i had him a few weeks ago. that's kind of a bittersweet thought. but it's fun to see how much he's grown! look- he can sit up by himself now!!

6 whole months ago nolan looked like this. my (big) little second born son. 10lbs and 23inches with a head full of hair and big, bright eyes.

in the last 6 months he's learned to sit up on his own, ,gotten his first hair cut, rolled over from tummy to back & back to tummy (before he was 3 months old), went to the zoo, and slept for over 10 hours a night since he was about 4 weeks old. he still nurses and has recently tried avocado, carrots, and peas (which he loves). i make his baby food and am excited to give him a variety. he's not a fan of juice but loves those little gerber puffs.
at his 6 month check up he was 26.25 inches (70th percentile) and 16lbs 13oz (50th percentile). he is above average in his developmental milestones and doing so great. we are so thankful that both nolan and sean are healthy, happy, funny, sweet, loving boys.

and who is this sweet baby girl with an absolutely adorable pout? head over to my photography page to see my latest photo shoot! :)

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