Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's day part II

I woke up Mother's Day to the boys running in the room with a jar full of wildflowers (that their Mimi picked. ha!) for me.  We got ready and went to church.  Dathan's mom, Kathy, sister Stephani, & her two girls Kaelyn & Maddie came with us.  After church we wanted to go to lunch but not an expensive, crowded restaurant.  So, we picked Zaxby's (which is one of our family's favorite Alabama places so we were excited).  We went to leave for Zaxby's and Steph's car wouldn't start, so we had to wait around until it got fixed.  It was hot but the kids ran around & played with bubbles & had a great time.  We ate lunch then headed home for nap time.  After nap time Kathy brought out a little kiddie pool she had bought for the grandkids & hooked it up (it was VERY hot here).  The kids had a blast!
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We also ate popsicles (this was after my Mother's Day mini-shoot with the boys).  The little sweetie on the right is our niece Maddie.
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And then Kathy got out the slip & slide.  We set it up on the hill & then Dathan stood at the top & kind of tossed each kid down.  They loved it!  I love Kaelyn's face in this picture, she is just having the time of her life!
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We stayed out playing until the sun set & mosquitoes came out.  Then we went inside for a little something to eat and all sat down to watch Despicable Me.  It was a great, fun, relaxing day!
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