Our Thanksgiving was pretty low-key. Nolan & I slept in. Dathan & Sean got up and went to play football with some friends (well, I believe Sean did more watching & running around). Ate McDonald's for lunch (yes, on Thanksgiving! ha!). We all played in the leaves. We were heading to my grandma's house to eat an actual Thanksgiving dinner in the evening, so we even had the boys nap before we left. It was nice to have a relaxing day.
When we got to grandma & grandpa's we all played Catch Phrase. My family is full of a bunch of goofballs, so it was highly entertaining. We ate a super yummy dinner then played the game of Things. If you have not played that game, you need to get your hands on it and play it- it's SO funny!!! We laughed SO hard!
Sean and Nolan just ran circles around my grandparent's house... literally. They are so funny.
I, of course, attempted to get a picture of the brothers in their Thanksgiving shirts. But we all know how that goes. This time was no exception :) Hopefully they will do well later today when we do our Christmas card pictures! Their shirts were so cute though! They were from Kohl's and said: I'm thankful for 1) mommy & daddy 2) yummy turkey 3) football
Our family photo was much more successful. Nolan's face is too cute here! And of course I needed to have a couple older pictures to compare, so below this one are photos of our little family from the last two Thanksgivings.
And this is our family tradition. On Christmas day of 1998 someone brought this can of cranberry sauce to dinner. It wasn't ever opened, so somebody took it home with them and brought it back to Thanksgiving the next year. It was accidentally left untouched again. So, we all decided it would be funny to bring it to at least one major family holiday dinner a year and, well, NOT open it. We would write the date on the can & everything. As you can see there are a few years missing, which basically means it got lost in someone's pantry. But as soon as it's found it's brought to the next family gathering. So funny. We are all about tradition ;) Oh and please note the photo on the right, it is of the expiration date :)
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving full of laughs and traditions ;) just like ours!
whoa, nolan's hair! he has so much of it!
Oh my gosh, can you imagine what the cranberry sauce looks like?!
Glad you had a fun time!!
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