It can't be true. I surely am not old enough to have a child in school. Granted, Pre-K (3 half-days a week) is not the same as all the other grades, but still. I just didn't think I was ready to go through the whole "first day of school" thing yet. But yesterday was Sean's first day of Pre-K, and I did a lot better than I thought. No tears (from me or Sean!), although I did get a little teary eyed driving away from his school after I dropped him off. Sean was so excited it was just too cute.
Isn't he handsome? I mean, I know I have a biased opinion, but have you seen this little stud? So ready for school!
When he got to school I wanted to take a picture of him in his classroom, so he chose to stand by a little poster on the wall. Then he proceeded to stand next to each poster on the wall and ask for me to take his picture. It was hilarious! He has great teachers & I think he will thrive in a social/educational/structured environment.
When I got home from dropping Sean off at school, Nolan was still sleeping (my dad stayed home with him). It gave me some time to read my Bible uninterrupted, which was fabulous! After Nolan woke up we watched his favorite show, Thomas the Train (he didn't have to share the tv with Sean!) and then played a whole lot of "I'm gonna get you." I don't know if Nolan even noticed Sean wasn't there! Ha! At least until we drove to the school to pick him up & Nolan heard some kids playing in the playground and said "Non-Non!" (aka "Sean Sean")
Sean will be going Mon, Wed, & Fri for 3 hours each day (they had him go to the Tuesday class yesterday since Monday was a holiday). I am looking forward to some special time with just Nolan & I at home, as well as watching Sean learn & grow at school!
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