once again, we had a fabulous memorial day! after the great time everyone had last year, our friends jamie & heather decided to make the big memorial day bash a traditional party at their house. it was a beautiful, perfect day to have a party!
there was an epic volleyball game that took place (i, personally, hate volleyball. so i did not play. ha!)
there was an epic volleyball game that took place (i, personally, hate volleyball. so i did not play. ha!)
the kids had a ball jumping on the trampoline (who doesn't???)
ok, have you seen the new huggies diapers? they cracked me up so much that i had to buy them! they look like little jeans, with a fly & pockets drawn on it. so funny! but even better than the diaper was looking at those chunky thighs underneath it. sooo cute!
the guys grilled out, the kids played, and the gals talked. isn't that what happens at parties? ;)
we have always joked that sean & elana are going to get married, and if we believed in arranged marriages then that would be the case! they are the sweetest kids together. elana came up to sean and said "sean, i love you!" and sean gave her a hug and said "i love you too!" so sweet! the picture on the left is from the memorial day party last year, and the one of the right is from this year (which i LOVE). look how much they changed!
we have always joked that sean & elana are going to get married, and if we believed in arranged marriages then that would be the case! they are the sweetest kids together. elana came up to sean and said "sean, i love you!" and sean gave her a hug and said "i love you too!" so sweet! the picture on the left is from the memorial day party last year, and the one of the right is from this year (which i LOVE). look how much they changed!
they had a slip & slide out which was awesome! their backyard is on a hill, so that makes for some fast moving kids going down the slide! sean looooooooved it!
nolan.... not so much! ha!
(don't worry, he didn't go too fast, didn't get hurt, and was actually only pouting because he didn't like those sprinklers hitting him! silly kid!)
after the kids were done slip & sliding, we walked down to the river. dathan was very fashionable for the occasion. :)
what a beautiful sight- great friends in front of a beautiful river!
sean was more than excited to swim in the river
so was nolan. look at that face. he's a little fish & LOVES the water. will jump in w/out any fear.
after we spent an hour or so at the water, we came back up to the house & had dessert. it was nice to relax inside. well, sean didn't want to relax... but does he ever?
christie, me, "leann", carol, & heather. leann & james were the only couple from the original memorial day crew that weren't at the party. we were so sad they couldn't make it and missed them so much! leann was visiting her family in mississippi (she just had a baby) and while she was there became very sick. she had to go into the ER where they found her appendix had burst. that was last friday & she is still in the hospital fighting off infection. please pray for her if you think about it.
i couldn't help myself, but had to post a side by side comparison of the stephens family last year on memorial day & this year. what a difference a year makes (the kids are the only ones who age, we stay the same age as parents... right???)
we are thankful for our friends & the wonderful time we (always) have with them. what a true blessing in life! i hope everyone else had a great memrial day too!!
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