Friday, May 21, 2010

bullfrogs and butterflies...

...they've both been born again!
anyone else remember that old sunday school song? anybody? anyone????

i thought it was a fitting title since i had some photos of, well, frogs & butterflies, that i wanted to share :)

while we were at the tn aquarium there was a butterfly room on top of one of the buildings. i was having so much fun photographing the beautiful butterflies! isn't it amazing to think that these beautiful creatures were once caterpillars? God is so creative!

i think this next one is my favorite of the day!

i took this next picture and was thinking "wow, that is a big & very pretty butterfly." then the lady who worked there told the group standing around that it was actually two butterflies and they were... ahem... mating. nice.

and now onto the frogs...

you may or may not remember when i posted here about dathan catching a bunch of tadpoles in the little pond/puddle thing at the end of our drive? and how i thought i killed them when i added water w/ epsom salt into the container? well, apparently i didn't kill them, they were just hiding? i'm not sure but they were swimming around a couple days later. in case you forgot, this is how they looked a little over a month ago.

and a couple weeks ago we were SO excited to see that they had grown arms and legs! i think dathan & i were more excited then sean (who probably didn't really understand what was going on)

and almost a month to the day that we got them out of the pond they were frogs (i'm sure it took longer than that, i'm not sure how long they were in the pond). WOW!

is it not fantastic to see them turn from those tadpoles into these frogs??

like i said before, God sure is creative!


Catherine Anne said...


hanneyjo said...

The pictures of the frogs made me think of this song. I love it. :)

Nancy said...

Logan & I are sitting here looking at your beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! These pictures are AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Cory always sings that song to Peyton. I don't remember singing it sunday school though. It looks like you had a great time in TN. loved all the pictures.