today is such a special day in the stephens family!!! it is our official "annibirthary" 2009! annibirthary is a word i made up because our oldest son sean was born on our anniversary. i got tired of saying "our anniversary & sean's birthday" so now we say "our annibirthary" :)
5 years ago i married a man who far exceeded everything i ever dreamed up and prayed for in a husband. he makes me want to be a better person and loves me with everything inside of him. i would do anything for this man & love him more than words can say. we make such a great pair! we've been through a lot of ups & downs the last 5 years, but God has just blessed us tremendously!
5 years ago i married a man who far exceeded everything i ever dreamed up and prayed for in a husband. he makes me want to be a better person and loves me with everything inside of him. i would do anything for this man & love him more than words can say. we make such a great pair! we've been through a lot of ups & downs the last 5 years, but God has just blessed us tremendously!
aug 14, 2004

we got the best anniversary present a couple could ask for on our 2nd anniversary- our son sean! happy birthday little sean sean!! he was 7lbs 10oz and 20 1/4 in. just a bundle full of sweetness!!!! who knew how much this little man would change our lives and the course of our lives! we are so thankful for this blessing we call sean!
aug 14, 2006

well, since sean was born on our anniversary, our 3rd anniversary was spent throwing a 1st birthday party! it's amazing how much kids grow their first year of life, and how we grew as a married couple our first year as parents ;)
aug 14, 2007

we spent our 4th anniversary in oklahoma for my brother's wedding (him & his wife got married in january but had their actual wedding ceremony in august). this is one of my all time favorite pictures of us! i was also about 10 weeks pregnant with nolan here! we were so hopeful for all that was yet to come!!!
aug 14, 2008
aug 14, 2008

and here is our family today! well not today literally, i'm gonna have to wait for our official annibirthary picture later tonight when dathan gets off work ;) but anyways, sean is 3 years old & our marriage is 5 years old! we have added another blessing, nolan, who is almost 6 months old. we have moved from california to alabama. we have been through many jobs. we are finding our place in ministry at our church. we are excited to be the family that God wants us to be and fulfill all the plans He has for us as a family. we are dreaming big dreams, and allowing God to guide us!
happy annibirthary (aug 14) 2009!!!!
i wanted to add this post to beki's fingerprint friday because i don't know what could possibly been a more encouraging, fun, & uplifting fingerprint then to see how God has moved in our marriage & family! His fingerprints are all over our lives!!!
happy annibirthary (aug 14) 2009!!!!

i wanted to add this post to beki's fingerprint friday because i don't know what could possibly been a more encouraging, fun, & uplifting fingerprint then to see how God has moved in our marriage & family! His fingerprints are all over our lives!!!
Happy Fingerprint Friday and Happy Annibirthary! ♥ What wonderful photos! You are all beautiful! ♥
How fun!!!
Happy Annibirthday to your family! I think that word is brilliant.
Awww...Happy Annibirthary!
Happy Annibirthary to you all! All because 2 people fell in love :)
Happy Annibirthary!!! We love you guys!
These pictures are so pretty. It's fun to see how much Sean has changed! Happy Annibirthday!
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