recipe for an awesome super hero 3rd birthday party:
first you need to send out invitations
first you need to send out invitations

next you need to make some tye dye cupcakes (with the help of the birthday boy of course), mix up some brightly colored icing, and buy these rings to decorate the cupcakes with

throw in two $1 packages of balloons, a husband to help you blow them up, & toss them all over the floor (no other entertainment is necessary. these alone will bring hours of fun. literally.)

gather the children around to play "pin the cape on the super sean." this ingredient is not required, but a fun addition. some kids would rather play with the balloons. the birthday boy would rather eat chips. but it's still fun.

make sure you have added a few bags of chips. if you let the birthday boy pick what flavors he wants, make sure he understands he has to share them with everyone else at the party. birthday boy may choose to spend the majority of the party shoving those chips in his mouth. that's perfectly fine.

add lots of fun presents, and a group of young children so excited about those presents that you would think they were their own

fold in the decorated cupcakes, light the candle, and sing happy birthday to the super excited birthday boy. give all children their cupcakes and allow the brightly colored frosting to get everywhere. it's more fun that way.

attempt to take a "happy annibirthary" picture. not the best idea, but it's worth a try.

and if you add one absolutely adorable little brother, it can't get much better!!!

make sure to mix all ingredients well with family and friends. take lots of pictures and enjoy yourself. that's what we did :)
What a fun birthday party! Everything looks great. I saw the pictures on fb, but I've been waiting for you to blog about it. :) Happy annibirthary to you! The boys look adorable as always!
ps. i saw you posting about the zoo on fb, and thought about going too, but I had way too much laundry, and unpacking to do. Plus my house hadn't been swept or dusted in over 3 weeks, and our backyard is basically can imagine...
Hi Erica! Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for the comment. I love your blog and your boys are super cute too!
Well, I'm supposed to be taking this week off from blogging, like I mentioned on my blog, but I just had to come and say hi and let you know I'll be following your blog. I am a total blog addict, but this week I'm just trying to focus on getting ready to get back to my crocheted hat business.
Well, thanks again for stopping by and I'll be back soon!
LOVE IT!!! You are so creative. Sean and Nolan are so blessed to have you as their Mom- and Dathan must thank God every day for such a wonderful spouse, and mother to his boys! What a fun party!
This looks like way 2 much fun. I know that parents were so pleased with those cupcakes! I'm glad that ya'll had fun though. And that's all that matters. Say Hi to everyone for me.
Whoa, you are awesome.
Come plan my next party, m'kay?
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