Saturday, August 20, 2011

happy birthday sean!

I was doing SO good about blogging every day and then WHAM... I've missed a week!  Whoops!  That's what happens when busy life gets in the way ;)

Last Sunday we celebrated Sean's 5th birthday (as well as our 7th anniversary, but we will do something probably after the baby comes for our anniversary).  I LOVE celebrating my children.  Their lives are such a gift not only to Dathan & I but to everyone they meet.  God has truly blessed us and the least I can do is celebrate them :)

Sean has always been our gift.  He is a special treasure to us.  He not only is our firstborn, but we found out we were pregnant with him on Christmas Eve, so he was our Christmas present.  My very first ultrasound just happened to be scheduled on my birthday, so he was my birthday present.  And then he was born on our anniversary.  What a neat way for God to introduce one of our greatest gifts to us!
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He is so creative and smart!  He will sit and follow directions step by step for Legos or Transformers until he figures out how to do it... by himself... without any help.  He is so loving & compassionate.  I always tell him that God made him the oldest child because He knew that Sean would be the best at that job.  He brings SO much joy to everyone he meets!

We woke him up on the morning of his birthday with some special gifts... his soccer gear!  We signed him up for soccer so we got him the shin guards, cleats, & soccer ball he needed & wrapped it up for him.  He was SOOO excited.
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We had donuts for breakfast and then went to church.  After church we came home & Sean asked for quesadillas for lunch, so that's what we had ;)  Then the boys had their rest time, because at 5:00 that night we had his party!  Knowing I would be very pregnant on his birthday & that it would be very hot, we made the decision months ago to do his party at his favorite pizza place (that has a whole arcade inside) and just invite a few of his friends.  It was the best decision ever.  Not only did we not have to worry about cleaning up before or after, the kids were entertained, and with coupons we spent LESS than we did for Nolan's "small" pizza party at my parents house!!!

The day after Sean's party last year he told me he wanted a Star Wars party for his 5th birthday.  He never changed his mind, and so that is what we had!
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Sean had almost all of his uncles there.  His real Uncle Timmy "Uncle B" (his other real uncle lives in England).  And his two pretend uncles- Kellen & Swanny. He is so spoiled & blessed with so many people in his life that love him!
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Dathan & Swanny went early to decorate the tables and make the balloon light sabers.  Sean asked Dathan the day before his party if he could buy the long balloons and make light sabers for everyone, so of course Dathan did ;)  The kids loved them, and even doubled them as hats.  Too funny!
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Sean's request for his cupcakes was "chocolate with Oreos inside" so that is what I made.  They were yummy so it was a good choice for him!  I used this recipe for the cupcakes, and just added the cut up Oreos to it, and then used this recipe for the icing.  I also bought some Star Wars rings to decorate the cupcakes with.  Simple & fun.
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Of course what is a party without presents?  The lighting was awful in the pizza place so I didn't get very many good pictures, but here are some of his fun gifts.  Our gift to him wasn't pictured, but we got him a comic book Bible, which he loves & asks to read every night.
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Sean & some of his buddies.  These pictures crack me up because they are eating the chocolate cupcakes & it looks like they are missing teeth! Ha!  Like I said the lighting was bad, so I didn't get every kid that was there (what's funny is all the pictures of the girls turned out blurry) but here are some:
Sean, Nolan, & Ethan
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Seth, Teagan, Nathan, & Noah

We had such a good time!

And the day after his birthday this year... well, he asked for a Transformers party for his 6th birthday.  Check back next year to see if the little planner changes his mind ;)

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