So there is not a lot to report...
Because there is a lot to report.
Does that make sense???
On Monday we moved into our new home (an adorable townhouse)! Also on Monday my brother & sister-in-law came to visit from Oklahoma. This was our last time seeing them for awhile because on April 1st they are moving to England where my brother is getting stationed. So Monday-Thursday consisted of a lot of going back & forth between unpacking & visiting with family. Then Friday after Sean got out of school & Dathan got off work (he took a half day) we drove a couple hours to our friends house to stay the night & hang out. Dathan had an estimate to do on Saturday down there & a bonus was getting to stay with our friends. After the estimate we went to Knotts for a few hours, then came home. Today (Sunday) consisted of church, lunch, cleaning, grocery shopping, and going to my parents to use the internet. Anybody else tired??
We have no cable or internet. Or furniture, really. The boys are watching a dvd on my laptop here. Nolan is cracking me up because he LOVES sitting in the Bumbo. I'm surprised he still fits LOL
Unpacking is going... very... slowly. When we moved out of our house in Alabama we did it very quickly. So, usually when we move we do major organizing and getting rid of junk, but this time we just threw everything in boxes. So the organizing and getting rid of junk part is happening now. I sit every night after everyone goes to bed and go through everything, box by box, and place into 3(ish) piles: throw away, keep, & yard sale (I say ish because I always end up with a "keep but not useful now" pile and several others). So it's a slow process, but it's coming along.
This is my view.
I am not going to take "real" pictures of the place until there aren't any boxes on the floor. It may be a month, so I apologize LOL
But overall we are blessed beyond measure to be in this beautiful home that is ours. We didn't realize how much we missed it (we knew we did but not to this extent) until we got back into it, so we are thankful!
1 comment:
Very excited for you! I can't wait to see how you decorate this place!! I think I remember that you love color on walls as much as I do!
This will be good for your nesting :)
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