Not today, my birthday was Feb 6th (same day as the Superbowl. oh joy!). I turned a whopping 28 :)
Our church had a Superbowl party and we wanted to go until half-time. When we got there my friend Sabrina walked in with two heart shaped plates of homemade chocolate chip cookies- my fave! How sweet is that??
At the 2nd quarter Dathan got on the microphone and lead everyone in the "happy birthday" song to me. So cute :) He had ordered this purple cake to hand out at the party... all on his own! He did so good!
He also brought an Oreo ice cream cake for me, because I don't like regular cake (yes, it's true). This is the cake they put the candles in... when I look at the holes from the candles in this picture, it makes me feel old! Ha!
Then Dathan gave me the present that the boys picked out for me, along with some cards from family & friends.
The boys were so proud of their Valentines sock monkey they picked out for me. It was adorable!!
One happy family :)
At half-time Dathan & I left the boys with my parents and took off to a surprise destination :)
Dathan took me to the Hilton Suites of Anaheim/Orange and the hotel was beautiful! Dathan's mom was so kind as to hook us up with an amazing room. This is what it looked like on the inside of the hotel, looking from the door of our room.
Looking out the window from our room you could see the Angels Stadium.
Leaving the hotel on Monday morning, in their glass elevator!
When we left the hotel we went to Downtown Disney and walked around, then ate lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Then we headed over to Knotts Berry Farm where we could use our season passes for a few hours, without the kids. We were so excited to get to go on the "grown up" roller coasters when we realized that I cannot ride the roller coasters while I am pregnant. Duh. We still had fun :)
Then we headed home, so I could be on time for our monthly Girl's Night Out. GNO is the first Monday of the month where a bunch of us friends get together and hang out- no kids, no hubbies. We LOVE it!
It was a great birthday! We also shared with all of our family that I was pregnant on my actual birthday, which was really fun. And of course I was overwhelmed with the well over 100 FB messages telling me happy birthday. It's so fun to feel special sometimes :)
Happy Happy Birthday! So glad you had a good one!! Next year will be even MORE fun with 3 little love's by your side!!
Sorry, I posted that comment twice & had to delete the first one!! HA!
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