1.) On New Years Eve I did an art project with the boys that was inspired by Sean being disobedient LOL. He had taken a paint brush, put it in water, and then started painting one of his signs we had hung on the fridge. The sign happened to be made out of marker, and so it looked like watercolors when he was done. I thought it looked cool so I bought a few small canvases and let the boys go for it! They had a blast.
2.) I let them draw whatever they wanted on the canvas with a marker. Then I gave them paintbrushes and cups of water & let them paint away. It was so fun to see what they made!
3.) Of course I made one too :)
4.) Then that evening we went over to our friend's house to let the kids run around while we played board games, & rang in the new year. The college group at our church was having a scavenger hunt, and our friends house was one of the stops. The teams had to put together a 48 piece puzzle of the US before they could get their points and a secret clue to earning bonus points. It was fun to watch them!
5.) The kids in their pj's watching "Despicable Me" while we played "Scribblets" in the other room. The game was SO much fun!!
6.) Sean fell asleep reading his Bible one night. Too sweet for words.
7.) We got Knotts Berry Farm season passes for Christmas and used them one day. It was SO crowded the day we went, but we all still had a blast. I wanted to relax & enjoy my day w/ my family without worrying about carrying my camera, so the next 2 pictures are from my phone :)
8.) Nolan got to ride on his first ride without mommy or daddy on it with him. I could not believe he was tall enough to ride the airplanes by himself! He & Sean loved being in the same plane, and Sean kept saying he was going to "make it fly up up up the whole time" (they were the kinds that fly up & down and are controlled by a little lever in the plane). I wasn't sure how Nolan would do but he clapped his hands and threw his fist in the air and said "woohoo!" (I couldn't hear him but could totally read his lips & knew that was what he said. ha!). Totally worth it!
9.) This picture is also from my phone, but I caught a moment in history on it... Sean asked for something other than chicken nuggets when we were out to lunch! I was shocked! He wanted a "burgerger with cheese and bacon." Luckily at Wendy's it's on the $0.99 menu!
10.) And last but certainly not least (and another picture from my phone)... look what I got in the mail a couple weeks ago!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) I am one happy momma!!
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