I was thinking about how much time Sean & I used to spend together before Nolan was born, and how since then I haven't had much time with just me & him. So, one day my dad watched Nolan while Dathan was at work and Sean & I went on a date. We had the best time. We grabbed some lunch and then went to one of my favorite places- Paint a Dream!

It's a place where there are hundreds of different ceramic pieces that you get to choose from and then paint however you want. Sean chose a train piggy bank (which I was super excited about because for the longest time I had been wanting to make the boys personalized piggy banks from there).

He was very into his painting and had a lot of fun. I think he got mine & Dathan's love for art ;)

He was SO proud of the work that he did!

He also picked out a monkey piggy bank for me to paint for Nolan. Here is the almost finished product.

And Sean's almost finished project.

After you are done painting you leave your pieces at Paint a Dream for them to fire in the kiln. If you are not familiar with ceramics it basically glosses the pieces, sets the paint, and makes it resistant of many things (you can put pieces in the microwave, dishwasher, etc). Here is the finished monkey. So bright & happy!

And Sean's finished train. Love it!

I definitely want to do more of these dates in the future :)

It's a place where there are hundreds of different ceramic pieces that you get to choose from and then paint however you want. Sean chose a train piggy bank (which I was super excited about because for the longest time I had been wanting to make the boys personalized piggy banks from there).

He was very into his painting and had a lot of fun. I think he got mine & Dathan's love for art ;)

He was SO proud of the work that he did!

He also picked out a monkey piggy bank for me to paint for Nolan. Here is the almost finished product.

And Sean's almost finished project.

After you are done painting you leave your pieces at Paint a Dream for them to fire in the kiln. If you are not familiar with ceramics it basically glosses the pieces, sets the paint, and makes it resistant of many things (you can put pieces in the microwave, dishwasher, etc). Here is the finished monkey. So bright & happy!

And Sean's finished train. Love it!

I definitely want to do more of these dates in the future :)
How fun! Wish we had something like that around MN!
I love it! He did a GREAT job!!!
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