Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 on tuesday

10 Random Things I've Been Obsessed w/ Lately (in no particular order):
please note i did not take any of these photos

1.) strawberries! oh hello summer, this is one of my favorite things about you!!

2.) this camera. i have opened up a savings account especially for you, mr. 5d mark II. i will see you soon!

3.) we got a membership to the ymca. i have really enjoyed dropping the boys of in the child watch working out to get myself healthy. for two hours. by myself. while the boys are in child watch. i just plug in my head phones & turn on hgtv and go. bliss.

4.) 2010 toe nail polish color. yes, i use one color for the whole summer. and yes, it changes every summer. through the years i have done french tip, bright blue, bright pink, black (when i was prego... strange hormones), turquoise, etc.

5.) why i'm obsessed with my new moisturizer, i couldn't tell you. but i am. (i know i know this is a pic of the face wash but i got too lazy to look up the correct pic)

6.) ahhhhh.... need i say more? :) :) :)

7.) seriously. seriously. this is SO good.

8.) i found this necklace here and i love it! if anyone wants to buy it for me, mother's day is coming up... cough... cough

9.) big hobo bag. bright blue and green. birds. found here. love.

10.) where i would put these vinyl birds (are we seeing a pattern here?) i have no idea, but i love them. i would order them from here in purple, orange, and teal.

pretty sure i just wasted about 10 minutes of your life with this super random post. you're welcome :)

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

So glad to some random things about you. I could see you in all of these things. Have fun! By the way, the boys are so stinking cute!