so last week (and the week before that) it was cold here. like, really cold. not just cold for alabama, but truly cold. one day the low was 9. NINE. Jesus help our utility bill, because i am very afraid.
the only good thing about that is we got snow one day. now let me tell you- there was a MAJOR winter storm warning going on. they pre-closed schools for two days and all the milk & bread flew off of the shelves at the grocery stores (no exaggeration). so, it was pretty disappointing when this was all we got.
the only good thing about that is we got snow one day. now let me tell you- there was a MAJOR winter storm warning going on. they pre-closed schools for two days and all the milk & bread flew off of the shelves at the grocery stores (no exaggeration). so, it was pretty disappointing when this was all we got.
if i aimed my camera higher into the tree in our front yard then it almost looked like an actual winter storm... or maybe narnia?
and we did get icicles on our Christmas lights (yes, that we have not taken down yet... remember, it was really cold outside!)
and, once again, you'll have to excuse the quality of this picture- it was from my phone. but we drove out to my in-laws house in the country, and it was absolutely beautiful! i had forgotten my nice camera and was kicking myself when we got there (they had more snow than we did).

the weather has warmed up this week, which has been a nice break (not only for us, but i'm sure our heater is appreciating the break as well). i don't mind cold weather, but that was getting a little ridiculous ;)
as you can see, i did a little "remodeling" on the sidebar of my blog! i hope you like it!
i also did some major renovations over at my photography blog. please go check the new look out and let me now what you think :) thanks!
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