well, 3 weeks later and i am finally blogging about our beach trip! i know you were all waiting in anticipation ;) i have been so busy editing the wedding pics i took and doing my homework that i hadn't really had a moment to spare to blog. but now i do!
the first day at the beach was super busy! it was this couple's wedding, which i was the photographer for and sean was in the wedding as a ring bearer. we went to the beach with jamie & heather and their two daughters kelsie & elana, as well as gary & christie and their daughter bethany. kelsie and elana were also in the wedding.
the first day at the beach was super busy! it was this couple's wedding, which i was the photographer for and sean was in the wedding as a ring bearer. we went to the beach with jamie & heather and their two daughters kelsie & elana, as well as gary & christie and their daughter bethany. kelsie and elana were also in the wedding.
nolan's first time at the beach, i believe dathan is keeping him from putting the sand into his mouth

"uncle gary" and nolan. i just love this picture!

jamie & dathan waiting for the wedding to start- they don't look too excited LOL
heather, christie, & elana

blake and dathan having a serious converstaion, i'm sure ;) blake was in the wedding

and of course, i have to add some of the "real" pictures of the wedding. i have not added them to my photography site yet, but will soon! be on the look-out!
sean and the groom, michael, being incredible hulk
sean and the groom, michael, being incredible hulk

and the absolutely beautiful couple- michael & whitney! congrats you two, may God bless your marriage as you grow in Him & grow as a couple!

ok weird story- as i was photographing the wedding ceremony, this man came up with a big, nice camera and started taking pictures. i assumed he was a friend of the family and kept on shooting. well, when the ceremony was over he came up to me and said "hi, i'm so-and-so. i'm on vacation from new orleans and i'm a wedding photographer. so here's the deal, i'm going to be your assistant and i will allow you to use my pictures free of charge." um, excuse me? all the while he was standing two inches away from me, and every time i stepped back he stepped closer. i was a bit shocked & didn't know what to say so i told him he needed to talk to the bride's dad, that i didn't think they would be very comfortable with a stranger taking their pictures. so he tells the bride's dad that i'm ok with him "assisting" me (which i never said) and that he was going to put the pictures on his website. WEIRD! so of course they told him no and he went on his way. we laughed about it later, but it sure was strange!
Ohmyword, CRAZY!!!
That's wierd...I don't blame you for wanting him gone! I would have, too! I don't like pushyness!!
Beautiful pictures on your post!
Talk about being a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e! What a jerk. I can't wait to see your wedding photos, though!
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