Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i'm still alive

sorry it has been over a week since i last blogged, it's been kind of hectic in the stephens household
in one week i have:
*repriced & organized clothes, toys, shoes, & a stroller to sell at a consignment sale
*dressed my boys up as hillbillies and did a photo shoot for our church's hillbilly dinner ad
*cleaned my house (somewhat)
*did 5 billion loads of laundry
*drove to the beach
*photographed my first wedding (ON the beach), remember this couple?
*had a wonderful vacation with 2 other amazing families (at the beach)
*took a million pictures
*ate at lulu's and mellow mushroom and lamberts
*gave nolan lots of teething tablets as his first two teeth broke through
*played with sean in the ocean
*put nolan in the ocean for the first time
*drove home
*started to edit hundreds of wedding pictures
*worked on homework for my math class
*switched advisers at school
and i'm sure a gazillion other things
so sorry there are no pictures this post, when i have a second to breathe (which, apparently is at 1:30am at the moment) i will edit some and show you how fun our trip was :)


Jenna said...

I LOOOVE the Mellow Mushroom- but alas there are none near me. :( So sad. Glad you had a crazy/busy/fun week!

Nancy said...

I'm so glad you commented...your blog is amazing & the photography one is, too!
Do you live near Bham?

The Stokley Family said...

I love meeting new people! No they aren't twins just really close in age, about 10 months apart. Tanner our youngest was born early.
Your kids are SO cute!! And your photos are amazing!
I wish we would have know Kelly was down there and we could of all had lunch!
I saw that you are in college, I am to. Sometimes its so hard with 2little ones and school!